Monday, January 18, 2016

Uqbah Abdullahi Vono


WAIT let us rejoice and cherish
       Our beloved brother
Nay! He is far more than that
                He is a friend and a mentor
Uqbah: An Arabic Name
Meaning “the end of everything”
                  For indeed name follow its bearer
Because he is indeed the end
Of everything positive
When you talk about calmness
              Uniquessness is also his passion
If you can observe his attire
                    You will need not an explanaTION
Not to even talk of explamaTION
                   He is the end towards tat direcTION
Because of his endless inclinaTION
And frequent prostraTION
To the lord of creaTION
He has already stated to
Succeed in all his endeavors
He is responsible and capable
Charismatic and also trustworthy
He value discipline and justice
Honor, culture and tradition
For they are his watchwords
These are the words of truth
 I am saying for you to benefit
There is no misleading in them
My observation, is what they contain.

I won’t drop my pen
Without paying my respect
To the other half of the duo
Though she need no formal introducTION
ZAHRAH BUHARI is known all over the naTION
Sparklingly bright and beautiful
Her beauty is beyond imaginaTION
It’s said that “Reps ipsa loquito”
Her Fulani accent speaks for itself
And her kindness is endless
In peace and harmony she appears
Our prayers to Baba are selfLESS
For his service to Nigeria aren’t careLESS
WE pray that Allah gives him reward that is countLESS
Forgive all his misdeeds shortcomINGS
Protect him from evil doINGS
Enrich him with  good endING
Guide him to the straight path
And admit him into Jannatul Firdausi